
Showing posts from February, 2023

Time Flies....When your having Fun


Crazy Throwback Pics...Baby FUNKGHOST circa 1974

Crazy Throwback Pics of My Beautiful Aunt Carmen, My 1st Sister Cousin Danielle, and me. Me and Danielle were both born in 1972. I'm only 3 months older than her. I spoke with my Aunt Carmen on Facebook and she confirmed these photos were taken in 1974. It's crazy to see me and my cousin Danielle as toddlers.

Interview w/ The Florida Sound Archive

Dope in-depth interview i did with the Florida Sound Archive back in March 2022.

Life Changes. Real love ❀️ Remains

Me and the mother of our kids Zulie split back in January 2022 after 9 yrs. Regardless, Still doing my best to co-parent and be great parents to our daughters. We hung out @ The Latin grill recently and had a great time! #coparenting #Daughters

Rahim Samad - Alkahest produced by Funkghost


My Stazi Bear 🐻

Anastazia Isley Mendoza-Harris with her big sister Lilani Zen Mendoza-Harris aka "Lilani Feathers" The Mendoza-Harris Sisters!!!!!!

2007 1st Annual One Stop Shop Producer Showcase Phoenix AZ


フγƒͺγ‚Ήγ‚³γ‚€γƒˆγ‚¦ @itoutakummm Funkghost - A.M.P. γ‚―γƒΌγƒ«γ‚’γƒ³γ‚°γƒ©γƒ’γƒƒγƒ—γƒ›γƒƒγƒ—πŸ‘ŒπŸΎ

Funkghost - A.M.P. γ‚―γƒΌγƒ«γ‚’γƒ³γ‚°γƒ©γƒ’γƒƒγƒ—γƒ›γƒƒγƒ—πŸ‘ŒπŸΎ β€” フγƒͺγ‚Ήγ‚³γ‚€γƒˆγ‚¦ (@itoutakummm) January 30, 2023

Funkghost x Brainorchestra A.M.P. (Official Video)
